Monday, July 8, 2013

YNP Day 2

 We were picked at the camp to take a full day tour of Yellowstone. We spotted a mule deer and faun right away.
 Lunch time!
 This was a large herd crossing the river.
 Bison just resting on the side of the road!
 A bull elk. There were two of them in the meadow. People were getting to close to them, check out the antlers!
 Antique tour bus.
 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. 308 foot falls and the river it carved out.
 Recent scars on a tree where a bison had sharpened his horns. This is Matt Henry, our tour guide. Great job!
 Bison walked right along the road alongside the tour bus.
 Heard of bison up to about 250 in one valley.
 Just waiting for the eruption. Sam is wandering around Old Faithful somewhere.
 Every 92 minutes, give or take 10 either way.
 Certainly nows how to draw a crowd!
 Built in the early 20's.
 A fabulous clock and the wood work is all hand done of course.
 I had to hike up the the third floor to get this. They have rooms on this floor and the bathroom is conveniently down the hall!
 Grass that somehow survives in the hot water run off from the pool pictured  below.
 Beautiful blue and way too hot to dip a toe into.
 Bubbling, highly acidic  mud pots.
 A volcanic plateau. Lots of little geysers all over the hill. Don't go walking off the sidewalk.
 Lots of activity all over the hill. Some people known as geyser geeks wait for irregular geysers to spout and capture the images.
 Really not sure how any plants live in this acid and hot temperature environment. The trees died, but the bison come here in winter to ear the grass.
 Fabulous shape of the roots of a fallen tree.
 Had to stop for a bald ego perched across the river.
End of the day and of course we had rain and hail on top of that. It covered the ground in some places! Chilled it down, right away! Back in the park tomorrow for a twilight tour, hope to see lots of critters.

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