Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yellowstone Day 1

 The drive from Bozeman to West Yellowstone is less than 100 miles, but they are some beautiful miles! We followed the Gallatin river for 50 miles and saw many rafters, kayakers, tubers and fly fisherman.
 As we followed the river up the canyon it went from this size down to a mere creek when we finally left it at the top of the pass.
 Welcome to the town of West Yellowstone.
 Lionshead campground is about 7 miles west of West Yellowstone at the edge of the hills. We are surrounded my mountains and of course in Montana it seems to rain almost every afternoon.
 After setting up camp and trying level the rig, we decided to drive into town for some information.
 I could not resist taking a picture of this license plate. I am jealous.
 In West Yellowstone they like to decorate buffalo statues.

 Lots of tourist traps and interesting stores in downtown. Notice the sprinkler system warming up.
 This is actually a trash can. Bear proof. We were warned when we checked into the campground not to leave any food out or a dirty BBQ as there are bears in the campground at night. Linda was talking about leaving some treats out and I will do my best to see that does not happen. I don't need my RV or car redecorated by an irate bear.
 About 30 minutes after this shot we got our thunderstorm, as promised.
We drove to the entrance and talked to a ranger.  It turns out the National Park Senior pass we bought in Carlsbad will allow us to tour the park for free. More to follow!!

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