Monday, July 8, 2013

Yellowstone National Park Day 1

 Not that I was excited to see Yellowstone, but I was up before sunrise and watched it turn to fog.
 Linda and I only stopped at one place called Biscuit basin.
 Looks like a great hot tub, too bad it is about 160 F!
 The different colors come from thermophilic bacteria that survive in different temperature ranges. A woman won a Nobel prize for studying them.
 We saw this on the side of the road and were lucky enough to have room to pull over.
 An idiot brought his son over and had him sit on the log to take a pic with a bison in the background; too close! Bison can go 0-37 mph as fast as a car and leap over a 4 foot fence standing still! I keep my distance.
 Lots of fly fishermen looking for cutthroat trout, all catch and release.
 This is actually a thermal pool adjacent to the river, looks just like a hot tub to me!
 This would be a mule deer we saw in the river. The clue in Yellowstone is, if you see a lot of cars stopped in or on the side of the road there is probably a animal sighting.
Of course it rained in the afternoon! This is Montana! More from Yellowstone tomorrow. Sorry I did not post yesterday, problems with Wifi. I am loving this!

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