Friday, July 26, 2013

Coeur d' Alene Lake tour

 We had a very busy day yesterday! Sam and I met Jack and Mike at Twin Lakes Village, where we had the wine tasting earlier this week and played golf. I had one of my best rounds and shot an 89! Beautiful course, narrow fairways and fast greens.
 The we drove down to Coeur d' Alene (CDA) lake and boarded Mike's (blue shirt) boat. Not a cloud in the sky and a cool breeze made for a great 3 hour tour. CDA lake is huge and very clear with people in all manner of water sports going on everywhere. Mike and Connie, Jack and Gan were very gracious hosts for our visit to CDA. Hope they visit California so we can return the favor.
 This is a very expensive condo group, where they start at $3 million. Oprah has a small place there. She did not return my call.
 This is the driving range on the CDA golf course. Roland and I played this in 2010. The golf balls float and they have a boat to pick them up. Distances are marked with buoys.
 In the foreground is the famous floating green. They move the island daily and it can vary from 125 to 175 yards off shore. You take your shot and board a boat for the trip to finish the hole! I was very lucky and made a par on this hole when we played it.
 This is the hole where Roland's drive drifted out of bounds to the left, fell out of sight and hit a rock and bounced back up onto the green! I called him Rick-o-shay the rest of the day!
 This is a peninsula that is a city park. Lots of hikers walking and picnicing.
 The CDA marina has a lot of very nice boats.
 Sea planes for tours. Nope, skipped this tour.
 Entrance to the marina and the CDA hotel. We stayed there in 2010 and had room overlooking the lake and marina complete with a fireplace!

 This is  the wooden boat you take to the golf course around the city park. CDA is famous as a place that builds fabulous wooden boats. They call them woodies.
These are old piers left from logging days. They used tug boats to move huge rafts of logs miles long up the lake and tie them up here. They then took the logs down the river to a mill. 
So many houses on the lake and many are only accessible by boat. All materials to build it or live in it come by water,  

 One of the beautiful wooden boats on the lake.
 This is actually a house! Not a bad spread, no?
 Dinner tour on the lake.
 They built this house right on top of the boulder! Looks like a solid foundation to me. The green marker is actually a navigation point to boaters. Look closely on the left had deck; the owners put a mannequin in a bikini that looks like she is waving!
Sunset on CDA. We counted 21 boats all rafted together in the middle of the lake and it certainly sounded like a party was going on to me! We are off to Sand Point tomorrow! More to come.

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