Friday, July 19, 2013

Glacier National Park

 Big Fork is about an hour from the entrance to Glacier, so we had to get up early to meet with our 8:30 tour.
 Look like the red starburst, but purple!
 Our ride, a 1937 White tour bus with a removable top.
 Lake McDonald, just inside the entrance, a 10 mile long lake.
 Inside the lodge, with Sam and Virginia.
 Linda warming by the fire.
 Shooting out the top of the White.
 Bird Woman falls. There are so many falls in the park from melting glaciers it is crazy!
 Ford got to put an emblem on them because they renovated all 33 of them from the frame up for a cost of over 7 million dollars. Trust me, they retained the original character.

 The gang close to the top of the pass.
 More water falls.
 You are looking at the Continental Divide from the west side.
 Look very closely, there are hikers on the highline trail that goes down the valley.
 The little pip on top is called Bishops hat.
 Top of Logan's pass, at the divide.
 Big horn sheep from a long way off.
 A little closer.
 Wild Goose island on St Mary's lake
 Yup, that is us!
 Ok, so I did a panorama at Many Glacier Park. This is on the East side of the divide. From the west side it rises in foothills. From the east it is very abrupt, it goes from plains to mountains in 5 miles.
 The falls from the lake above.
 Ok, Sue, get a new hat and be done with it!
 Road to the Sun Mountain.
 More falls, right onto the road.

 Mountain goats.
 This is the road we came up and went down. Look below and see if you can pick out the cars, pretty small!

 Sort of a close up of a mountain goat. The guide said he hangs out in the area and it very used to humans.

 A creek running down and ice bridges left behind.
 Many very elevated valleys and can't count the waterfalls. We toured from one side of Glacier to the other and it took about 9 hours. All this time we thought Tennessee was our favorite state, sorry, but Montana has really taken over the top spot! Linda and I are ready to come back next year for the reunion!!
Dinner and several libations. Very tired! We had an awesome time and would highly recommend a visit to Yellowstone and Glacier and Montana in general to anyone! Plan to spend some time and if you can hike it is a definite bonus!!

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