Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcome to Bozeman MT!

 After delivering K&G to the airport we had to find our campsite. We backtracked to a few miles east of town to a lovely site on a hill.
 Well, it was lovely until late afternoon when a ferocious thunderstorm rolled over us! Sheets of rain and high winds along with some hail that lasted about an hour.
 Next day was much better and the views are spectacular!
 Met my brother Rick and wife Jan in downtown Bozeman and had lunch at Ted Turner's.
 Ted has over one half million acres surrounding Bozeman and raises a lot of Bison.
 Had some of the bison for lunch. Please note the jalapeños, first one was OK, second one lit me up and I was draining the water and the wonderful Cold Smoke beer. The third pepper I left on the plate.
 To top off the wonderful bison chili burger, they have a terrific shop that makes delicious chocolates.
 That is supposed to be a look of chocolate bliss, not to good, no?
 Bozeman is a young college town. On top of the tallest hotel is a blue beacon that is lit when there is fresh powder snow on Bridger Bowl, the closest ski area to downtown. It is only 15 minutes from downtown! Ski, bike, kayak, fish, hunt, golf, hike, whatever, if it is outside, you can find it very quickly in Bozeman!
 Rick and Jan are Ford event representatives and haul this 45 foot trailer to some beautiful areas all over Montana. Next week they are going to a rodeo in Red Lodge.
 This is a pool fed by a natural hot spring close to Ricks house. There is a outdoor pool that is unheated; the pool on the right is 93 degrees. They add cold water to moderate the spa temperatures on the left. They have a board that shows their daily temps. The three pools are from left to right, 102, 65, and 106 degrees! Sounds like a heart attack jumping from one to another to me.
 Jan viewing the valley below.
 Huge dandelions, like 4 inches in diameter!
Just another Montana sunset, hard to pick which one I wanted to share!

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