Thursday, July 18, 2013

Flathead Lodge Dude Ranch and Big Fork

 Welcome to downtown Big Fork!
 This is the Flathead Lake Lodge, established in 1945.
 This is listed as one of the top 100 destination locations in the U.S.A.
 While it might seem a little homey, it costs $3500 per week for an adult. Children are much cheaper, only $2200. It does include all meals and they have many horses, boats, and activities to keep you busy.  I would have to be really, really busy for that kind of mone.
 Main lodge.
 For your money, you get rustic cabins located on the 2000 acres of the ranch, many on the waterfront.
 Another wild animal to add to our list of sightings! Wild turkeys roaming the grounds. We also saw an osprey in a tree.
 Back to Big Fork for lunch. We went to Pocketstone and it was one jamming place.
 Virginia had a salad that looked pretty yummy. It just took a long time to get served, but my bacon cheddar hamburger was worth it!
 Strange looking flower in a planter box in town. Sort of looks like a firework exploding, right?
 A one car bridge leading out of town. I was so stuffed from lunch, I walked home.
 This is a hydroelectric plant delivering the Swan river water into Flathead lake. For a long time this was the sole source of power for the region. There were several people fishing and the water is very clear!
 Looking towards lake.
 I have never seen any flowers like these purple spikes, lovely.
Ok, I have seen these before, but they still look great. We are leaving early tomorrow to drive into Glacier National Park, about 45 minutes away. From there we will be taking an old red tour car on the road to the sun. My fear of heights is already warming up, but like I said, I will put up with a lot for a picture. This place is supposed to make Yellowstone pale in significance; we will see.

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