Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bozeman Day 4

 Ok, so I skipped day 3, it was mostly an ordinary work day. We cleaned an polished and serviced the motor home. After 10 weeks on the road it certainly deserved some TLC. All is good. These are flowers on the hill above our campground.
 Looking south from the hill. Large farms are everywhere.
 Looking north towards the back of the Bridger Bowl ski area. Bozeman is at about 5000 feet and these mountains go to 9K pretty quick. Deep powder snow is the big feature of winter.
 Did I mention that the rainstorm on Sunday produced .94 inches of rain in one hour? A tent camper said they had 4 inches of rain inside the tents. The RV park opened the laundry room so they could dry their stuff. We were snug and dry. Worst thing we had was a loss of DirectTV. XM radio to the rescue!
 Went to the local bank and one of the loan officers let us photograph this in his office. He shot it in the local mountains. Some office decoration!
 Lots of lovely flowers everywhere to delight the senses.

Typical Montana sunset. I climbed the hill and took lots of pics; this is my favorite. Planning on attending the Bozeman parade tomorrow; will keep you posted.

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