Friday, July 12, 2013

Moving to Anaconda MT

 We travelled with Sam and Virginia to the Fairmont RV park outside the town of Anaconda. There is a hot springs and spa located not far from the RV park but we passed that to check out the town. This crane is the entrance to the Old Works golf course. It was too cold and windy to play so we just walked around a little.
 It is called the Old Works because it is the original site of the first copper mine in the area. The site was moved south of town and included a smelter. Ore was brought from Butte MT, a huge open pit mine visible from I 90, to Anaconda for refining. All went well until the 70's when the EPA shut it down due to emissions. There is a mountain of black sand that was a by product of the process. It is used in the sand traps of the golf course, but they have not found any other uses to date.
 Looking towards the town from the golf course. They used the old smelter caldrons as decorations.
 We found the Elks lodge while exploring.
 Right across the street from the park.
 Lodge number 239 is alot older that the 1282 we belong to in Modesto.
 Outside the postoffice. They are proud of local high school Copperheads!
 Flower pots hanging on the light posts in town.
 The Deerfield count seat. Of course it has a shiny copper dome.
 Sam inside the Elks lodge. This is very much a 70's deco scene. It is a large lodge with a big bar and dance floor.
 Wouldn't you know it? In talking to Dan Shulz, the bartender, Linda found out that he was from New Leipzeig South Dakota and that he knew some of the Riekers and Baders that are her family.  He came from there and moved to Anaconda in the early 60's.
 Taco salad and a little wine. Please note the coats and Sam holding the tablecloth down, yup, windy and cold.
 I shot quite a few pics of the spectacular sunset and chose these two as the best. There was a veil of rain falling as the sun set and is was totally red. The setting sun bathed the valley in a deep red that was dramatic. Off to Missoula tomorrow to visit with Uncle Bob, Evelyn and any other relatives we can find. Blogging finally got better late last night when I changed my browser and pictures uploaded much faster. I was waiting over 10 minutes per pic!

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