Thursday, July 11, 2013

Touring the town of West Yellowstone

 Sam and Virginia, Ron and Susan, Linda and me went to the Grizzly Wolf center. This is a home for grizzly bears that have been habituated to humans and either live here or be destroyed. They say a fed bear is a dead bear; they quickly become addicted to human food and know how to get it.
 In this enclosure they try to keep it as natural as it can be.
 Workers hide food for the bears to find. The ravens are always there around feeding time and keep a safe distance but want any leftovers.
 Hiding food under logs that the bears move aside like toys.
 This is about a 1000 pound bear, very large and they can move pretty fast.

 He knocked they food out of the tree with one little swipe!

 They also have bald eagles, golden eagles and great horned owls here that cannot live in the wild.

 Linda, Virginia and Susan in a giant bear chair!
 Great flowers.
 For snow tours in the winter. You cannot also tour by snowmobile with a guide.
 Lots of different buffalos!
 Ok, I am a sucker for flowers.
Got a quick shot of how camping was in the 50's, note the surfboards on the top!

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