Tuesday, July 23, 2013

StoneRidge Golf and Resort Idaho

 Sorry I have not been keeping up, but we had no Wifi and no phone coverage either! This valley is all Verizon and we had to pay for Wifi. But we are back on track now. It was about 240 miles from Big Fork and we took the western path around the lake and it was a very pleasant drive, very pretty some of it along the Clark Fork river, through Paradise. Got to tell you it is really weird not to have phone or internet connection, it is actually liberating.
 We are camping here for free! We will have to listen to about an hour sales pitch on Thursday, but one week for free is great.
 The ones with casitas are owned and improved. Some sites are very nice; I will get some pictures tomorrow to show you. There is a very nice pool and spa and game room. Laundry is free.
 Surrounded by mountains, just not as big as Montana.
 Yes, we do have any awning! It has been up to 90 in the afternoon and we are facing West and getting a lot of sun on the windshield.  Rick and Jan gave us the checkerboard cocoa mat, very nice.
 Finally got to play golf again; first time since Mississippi!
 Sam on the second tee.
 They said they see moose down here all the time, but none today.
 Golf was $47.00 with a cart and that includes a nice breakfast or lunch at the clubhouse.
 Course is in good shape with only a few dry spots
 On the 6th tee they have a fish food dispenser. For a quarter you can feed the fish.
 Well, they fish do jump for the pellets, but there are seagulls that will eat both the fish and the pellets, so the fish have to be kind of cautious.
 They also have homes, condos and apartments here.
 Along the left side of the 18th fairway is a manmade creek. Yesterday I made a par and was happy to get on the green from 160 yards out. Sam and I played again today and I hooked my second shot left and hit a shot off a rock in the creek. I was lucky enough to have a playable lie and reached the green in 3 on a par 5. Too bad I 3 putted and made a bogey.
Sam and I played the only 19th hole I have ever seen. It was on the scorecard after the total, so it is on there, but after your total score. Linda and I are off to see Aunt Pearl tomorrow!

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