Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cruising to Wild Horse Island on Flathead lake

 Booked our trip and came down to the lovely establishment for our adventure!
 Not open at all times.
 Leaving Big Fork and heading out to Flathead Lake.
 Petroglyphs of buffalo on the cliffs. The Blackfoot indians used to drive them over this cliff (50 ft tall) to make them easier to kill.

 Cool mohawk on the cliff.

 Osprey nest. There are also eagles on this island which is privately owned and they are dire enemies.
 My new boat garage and help quarters.
 The big house.
 Must be nice to own an island even if you can only use it 6 months of the year.
 Nope, I did not touch this plant. We had a brief rest stop on Wild Horse Island. A convenience stop for the boys; no girls allowed or disembarked.

 Ron holding the boat while Capt Bill took care of business.
 There are several private homes on the island; the rest is public lands and a natural habitat for everything from eagles to grizzly bears and horses.

 Mule deer buck and two does getting a drink.
 Still in velvet.
 Another island complete with 15000 sq ft castle.
 Saw this bald eagle snatch a fish out of the lake and take it up to this branch for dinner.
 Flathead lake is 28 miles long and has mountain ranges on each side. It is the beginning of the Columbia river. As you can see from my colorful illustration we went a long way. After we circled Wild Horse Island it took almost an hour to get back to Big Fork. It was kind of choppy and Ron and I had to sit in the bow and act as ballast. We left the smooth ride to Sam and the three Linda's.
All three ladies went by Linda, blue Linda, spotted Linda and black Linda. It was fun.

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