Saturday, July 20, 2013

Last Day in Big Fork

 We have really enjoyed our time in Big Fork with Sam, Virginia, Ron and Susan. But we did sneak off to Sweet Peaks for some Huckleberry ice cream! Hard to beat on a hot (88) day!
 We were invited to a soiree at lot 21 for drinks and appetizers. We met lots of people from all over and quite a few escaping the heat of California.
 They are very creative in the woodwork of their lots. They do however have to take everything in for the winter. A lot of the homeowners put temporary fences around their lots to keep the deer and wild turkeys out. I understand they can really tear things up and make quite a mess!
 Neighbor Ron was kind enough to show us his lot and what he and his wife have done from what started out as a storage shed.
 Animals everywhere.  Modern stove and fridg, couch makes out into a bed for visitors.

 Squirrels, deer, bobcat, elk, flying squirrel, etc. The wife is pretty creative in decorating.

 Linda and Virginia were a little overwhelmed by the "storage shed".
 Yes, sir, this is a modern day outhouse.
 It does however feature a flush toilet complete with pull chain. Very handy when hosting parties so your guests can use the facilities. He said some do peek through the half moon in the door! It even has a candle for ambiance and odor and a bear toilet paper holder.
 Not a bad place to hold a party.
 Even a water feature at the front of the lot.
 These are called cow parsnip, and bears love to eat them, just the roots and stems however, they spit the flowers out. (This from Matt the Glacier tour guide.)
I hiked up the hill one last time for a sunset on Flathead lake. I did find an animal trail just below the ridge, but no signs of critters. We did see a deer at the edge of the campground this week. Well, we are on to Coeur d' Alene Idaho tomorrow, about 210 miles with Sam and Virginia. Ron and Susan have a party to attend in Yuma AZ, good thing it's not hot there! Happy trails and safe travels! See you in Indio!

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