Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beautiful sunset in Big Fork

 This is our moose mascot that guards the entrance to our campsite.
 We went into town and found a great bakery. Ordered a huckleberry pie for tomorrow! (pun intended)
 Don't see this every day in the middle of town.
 They are having a drawing for this luxury chicken coop! Only holds about 3 regular chickens or 6 bantees. No, I did not buy a ticket!
 Spotted a butterfly hanging around our campsite. He is missing part of his left wing, still flies just fine though.
 Color spot in our campsite.
 Whole crew in our campsite for social hour before dinner.
 This was taken from a hilltop above our campsite. I hiked through the forest to get here. It was 9:17 PM when I took this and please note the jet skier still out there tearing it up! Plenty of sunshine late in the evening this far north.
Best of the sunset shots I took. According to my information Big Fork sunset is about 30 minutes later than Modesto at this time of the year.

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