Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Animal day at YNP!

Bull elk was the first critter sighting of the day. This one still has the velvet on his antlers. They rub that off when rut begins. The antlers are growing bone and among the fastest of the animal kingdom. 

 This is the closest we could get to a grizzly bear. He was a very long ways across a meadow. They usually move to higher ground as the summer heats up. We were only at about 6000 feet here.

   This is probably a 3 year old black bear that actually walked towards us. I had to ask Linda, how close before we run for the bus!

 This is the Lamar valley where thousands of bison summer. All of those little dots are buffalo.

 Buffalo jam on the roadway!
 Pronghorn sheep right along the road!
 Does this say "What are you looking at"?

 Yellowstone river as we climbed Washburn pass to an elevation of 8855.

Some travel light, and some things are just must haves!

 This is a big horn sheep female! Caught her running away as we set up for lunch in Lamar valley. You really have to be aware of your surroundings here, animals are everywhere.
 Caesar salad, buffalo stew and a cornbread muffin. I think the buffalo we saw later knew.
 As we were setting up for lunch, ravens began to gather up to about 6 of them. They are much larger than crows and among the smartest animals. They know how to work zippers and velcro and are know as thieves. They raid backpacks and anything available. They were definitely closing in on us!

If you know my wife, you know she is feeding the ravens! They were fearless. I have been trying to post pictures of osprey, Mammoth hot springs and baby buffalo for an hour and just cannot get the pictures to load! I give up! Try again later.

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