Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mallard Creek golf and RV

 We are now in Lebanon Oregon at Mallard Creek RV and Golf. This is a fairly small RV site with nice campsites.
 Nice lawn and table. Shade trees and golf is close. $1200 a month and all the golf you can play.
 Interesting thistles, they flower lavender and are huge.
 Not quite links golf but we toured the course and it is similar to that.
 More cow parsnips.
 This is the cow parsnip before it unfolds, cool looking, no?
 Don't see too many trees with an "S" curve.
 This is Steve, the golf pro at Mallard creek with Sam and Virginia.
 Linda and Sam entering the pro shop for dinner.
 Only guy I have ever seen to put jalapeno peppers on a baked potato. Sam eats them on lots of stuff and can survive eating stuff I would melt over. He doesn't even sweat over this!
 Still crazy after all these years! Aren't they cute at that age?
 Lichen, not spanish moss on the local oak trees. they have a symbiotic relationship, mutually beneficial.
We walked backed to the camp after dinner. We had a few large rain drops and a little thunder, but nice weather. Golf tomorrow! We are actually getting the same channels on Direct TV now that we get at home! Heading for Modesto soon!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Battleground WA and on to Harrisburg!

 This would be a view from the deck of brother Rick's house! The land in front is a wetlands and is protected from being developed.
 One of my mothers award winning quilts! The camera does not do it justice, the intricate design and detail is just amazing! Mary Jo is truly an artiste! This wall hanging is about 4' by 6'.
 Mom in a small portion of her quilting room.
 Flowers growing in a pot outside her studio
 Great nephew Justin tweaking his ride before showing us the way to BG Nutrition.
 BG Nutrition with Kim, owner operator! We had a Strawberry Cream shake and it was great! A little Herbal Life tea on top and we were good to go.
 Blueberry bushes in Kim's back yard. Kacey G's cousin makes an appearance.
 Our camping site. Did not have too many free campsites on this trip and it is always appreciated!
 Moved down to Harrisburg Oregon to meet the Bleakley's
 On the way down here we passed the 45 parallel, half way between the North Pole and the Equator, right around Salem Oregon. This is the Willamette river in Harrisburg.
 Look on the left side and you can see Linda riding with Sam. She wanted to know what air ride suspension felt like.

 Mexican food for dinner!
 Sorry, out of order, my Mom visited our coach.
 Linda and I at Battleground Nutrition. She likes the lights. Lots of flavors of shakes.
 Outside of BG nutrition.
Part of Mom's quilting studio. 
Cadillac margarita! the start of a great dinner. Can't believe we are only one state from home.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Concert on the 19th green and moving day!

 Our last night in StoneRidge and there is a free concert on the 19th hole! It was well attended many sitting in their golf carts. We brought our chairs and chardonnay! They sounded pretty good and some dancing did break out!

 Felt a little cool in the shade, but somehow we survived.
 Leaving Sunday morning for Washington. This is San Souci lake that borders StoneRidge, perfect mirror.
 The might Columbia River. Highway 84 in Oregon hugs the shore for many miles.
 The snowcapped distant peak is Mount Hood, Oregon's highest at over 11,000 feet.
 The further we went the worse the wind got, creating lots of white caps. The area pictured has many board sailors and kite surfers. The wind was probably 30-40 mph. I had white knuckles for many miles and slowed down to 50 in spots.
 Lots of barges on the river.
 Finally made it to my brother Rick's house, 430 miles later! Seven and one half hours of driving.
 My mother, Mary Jo Lewis outside her quilt studio and home.
 Who else has beautiful quilts hanging in their garage?
 Outside of Mom's house, note the flags. The yellow one is "Don't tread on me".
 More quilts. Mom has won many awards for her designs and teaches quilting.
 The back of Rick's house that faces a street in Battleground.
 Blackberries growing wild on the back fence, mmm, picking them tomorrow.
 These are my niece Kim's newest chicks.
 Kim has a nice garden and colorful chickens.
 This would be Goldie, of course.
 Spot, naturally.
 And this is Henry the rooster, he is beautiful and crows quite a bit. He is there for protection as their house is on the edge of a forest.
 Kim's husband Rob and Ryan's pregnant wife Kelsey. Kelsey is due September 17th, a very lucky day to be born.
 Ryan and son, Super Cameron. Cam and I became best friends real quick!
Kim, Linda and Mom working on dinner. Bleu cheese hamburgers, corn on the cob, salad and chili, very tasty. Please take special note of the white bowl in the foreground with blueberries. Cam picked those just for "Uncle grandpaw Glenn". I will treasure these for breakfast. They grow in their back yard.