Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wine tasting in Paso Robles

 OK, so we moved from the cool coast to Atascadero Elks. Noisy place.
 Wild Horse was a interesting winery.
 Good wines, Linda and Michael enjoyed.
 There was a goat cheese farm right across the street with the biggest chicken! JK could not find room in the car for it.
 Yup, a big goat.
 Michael is feeding it food in a ice cream cone. The goat knows the drill.
 Mini horses were cute.
 Off to Rotta winery. An older established winery with great dessert wines and zins.

 Off to Donati for more. JK and Michael are collecting corks for a project from every winery.
 And this is Niner winery. Pricey stuff.

 It does make you romantic, you know, wine and all.
 Partners in crime.
 This is still Niner winery back yard. Note the heart on the hill.
 Now at Castoro winery and a great grape covered trellis.
 Ok, once and a while I get into a pic.

 We have had enough wine!
 Still have that just married look, don't they?
Grapes on the trellis.

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