Saturday, June 29, 2013

Camping at Dennis' house and off to Lemmon SD

Dennis was nice enough to have power and water hookups for us while we went to Lemmon. He has a beautiful house. 

On the drive to Lemmon we had to stop as a cattle drive was crossing the road. Everything was so green, we were lucky they had recent rains to make it look so nice.
I really could not pass this up! How often do you get a shot of a cowboy on a triceratops?? This is on the main street in downtown Lemmon. 
They are most proud of their petrified wood park. It has some strange shapes in it and the beginning of the trail to Yellowstone. 
Got to be one of the coolest, literally, houses in Lemmon. It is sunk half in the ground, only the garage is fully above ground. 
Karol Hoffman, Aunt Millie, Linda Lou and Dennis
We really enjoyed talking to Mildred, my girl never misses a chance to talk!
We were very happy that Larry, Rachel and Joann made the trip!!

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